Seth is working full-time as a graphic designer at Premiere Speakers Bureau in Cool Springs, TN, about 20 minutes from where we live. He works in a fancy office that has marble pillars in the foyer for a boss who does amazingly generous things for his staff, i.e. catered lunch every Friday, trips in luxurious tour buses to play laser tag, never-ending donuts and birthday cake, etc. Here's a photo that was taken of Seth for the PSB website:

After many moons of living in tiny apartments (albeit our 2-bedroom duplex in Cincy), we are finally homeownersrenters! We are living in an area of Nashville called Crieve Hall, which is located right above Brentwood and just to the south of downtown Nash. We have the sweetest, most caring landlords, and have had such a great time decorating and settling in.
Some of the perks to renting a house vs. an apartment:
1. We were forced to purchase our own washer and dryer, which we will now have for eons to come (we hope).
2. We have a HUGE backyard! We can't wait to fill it with family and friends once the weather cools down a bit.
3. I am able to bust a move late at night without worrying about making too much noise and getting complaints from neighbors.
One of the very best things about our little home is that it is literally only 2 blocks away from our dear friends, Scott & Susy Anderson. We LOVE being able to pop over and visit them (and vice-versa), and especially being able to be more involved in the lives of their 2 boys, Blaine & Hayes (Seth is Blaine's godfather).
In other news, Bou is still as rambunctious as ever. While Seth and I were living apart, I let Bou roam free during the night instead of shutting him in the bathroom. Did I think perhaps that he would stand guard if anyone ever broke into my apartment in the middle of the night? Maybe. No. Well, maybe. Aside from that, he started routinely snuggling with me in the early hours of the morning after I fed him his breakfast. Now, he continues to do so as Seth always gets up first to shower. Oftentimes, I wake up to Seth struggling to silence his laughter as he finds Bou squished up next to me in the funniest positions.
Alright, that's it for life in Tennessee for now. Time to go rest in this wonderful AC with my hubs and Bou!